Countdown to Convention

Friday, October 28, 2016

We had another fun and productive crop day today! Not a big group, but we had a great time anyway. So much creativity was flying out of our minds & hands and onto the paper - scrapbook pages and cards! Goodness. To top it all off, my Grandson "T" stopped by with his Dad (my youngest son) and so a couple of the girls got to meet that darling Grandson of mine. He was dressed in his Halloween costume and they were going to the Fall Festival at their church across the street from our place. He was so adorable - well, what else did you expect me to say???  He will be 6 years old in a week. Time sure has flown by. And, he is as smart as a whip! I'm NOT kidding, he is brilliant.  Good looks and brains - girls watch out!! 

Back to the crop...
Peggy made some adorable pages of her Grandkids. Yes, they are cute too. Her pages are really great, I really like her style.
Michele got caught up on some of her Christmas cards. She subbed at school today though and she was pretty tired. I felt so sorry for her. I just wanted her to curl up on the couch and take a nap - not crop! What a trooper!
And, my goodness, Debbie sure can get so much done - I'm always so impressed. Her 3 Grandsons are the apples of her eye! All darling and she takes some of the coolest photos - then makes impressive pages. It helps that her Grandsons are into some very cool things and activities!
Oh, and I did get a few cards made and put the finishing touches on quite a few other. I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, but maybe it's because I talk too much and socialize. Plus, for some reason today, I was hungry and wanted to snack more than crop!

I'm doing my first (sales) Fall Festival in November. I'm excited and nervous and still have tons of work to do to get ready. I just hope that people like the cards, ornaments, gift tags, etc. that I'm making. Even if I don't sell anything, if people stop and admire, I will be content!

Well, it is late and I have 2 young ones coming over tomorrow for the weekend. They will love seeing the "crafting mess" I have all over the table. The little guy, "S" likes to craft with G'Ma. My oldest Grandson, "E" sometimes does crafts with me, but he is 10 1/2 now, so he's just not into it...

I'd better hit the hay or I'll be sleeping when they get here!!

Have a wonderful crafty Halloween weekend (pun intended)!

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